At Mitcham Primary School, preparing your child for school doesn't just begin with Prep Transition. To aid in your child's social, emotional, physical and creative development, we offer fortnightly playgroup sessions running through Terms 2 and 3 for preschool aged children, called Mitchkids. Playgroups such a Mitchkids, play a positive role in equipping children with the social skills that help form a basis for their time at school. Mitchkids provides a relaxed environment where children are encouraged to learn through play, while parents are able to meet other parents within the community.
"Playgroups make a difference. They are fun and social, and can also have a positive impact on those who attend. Whilst parents meet to have a cuppa, chat and play with their children, so much is happening below the surface." (Playgroup Victoria, 2020)
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Mitchkids and Your Child
At Mitchkids, children are introduced to a variety of activities and are given the freedom to participate however is most comfortable to them.
Being provided with a variety of books, craft, creative activities and toys, Mitchkids participants are able to explore and develop their imagination, creativity, and fine motor skills. Accompanied by a Grade 5/6 Mitcham Primary School student acting as a guide throughout their play, attendees are able to interact with other children of varying ages, and also learn to interact with adults other than their own parents and carers, helping to build social skills and emotional confidence.
Each Mitchkids session concludes with a group story and song time. Acting as a means of bringing the children together at the end of the session, this fun activity also aids in promoting language skills, as well as oral and aural communication.

Mitchkids Sessions
Mitchkids sessions are a completely free service provided by Mitcham Primary School. Held in our STEM Maker Space on a fortnightly basis in Terms 2 and 3, we openly welcome preschool children aged three years and up, and their families, to join on a regular or irregular basis.
Bookings are not required, providing families the flexibility to join in with Mitchkids in a way that suits their schedule. Sessions begin at 10.00am, and finish at 11.00am. We recommend families arrive as close to 10.00am as possible in order for both children and parents to seamlessly integrate into the environment, and enjoy the full Mitchkids experience.
While your child plays accompanied by Mitcham Primary School students and staff, parents are able to enjoy the company of other carers as you watch your children interact.