Starting School
As a parent of a future Prep (Foundation) student, we understand that the process of selecting your child’s future school and their transition into this new phase of their life can sometimes seem overwhelming. Starting school is an important milestone in any child and family's life, and we understand that transition to school requires additional thought, time, planning and support to make the process as smooth and as positive as possible.
When to Enrol in Primary School
To start primary school your child will need to turn 5 years old by 30 April in the year that they start school. Your child must be at school in the year that they turn 6 years of age. This is the compulsory school starting age.
The first year of primary school is called Foundation or Prep. Read more about when and how to enrol your child in the first year of primary school at enrolling in Foundation (Prep).
If you need to enrol at a different time or year level, contact our enrolment officer Sharon Dymond in the school office on 98731551.
Foundation Enrolments
In 2025 Mitcham Primary School will be accepting online enrolments. All families (in zone and out of zone) wishing to enrol are required to apply to the VicStudents website.
Online enrolments will be accepted from 15 April 2024.
Click here to access the VicStudents website
You will be notified of the outcome of your application between Monday 29 July and Friday 9 August 2024. If you receive an enrolment offer, you should contact our school to accept the offer as soon as possible and no later than Friday 23 August 2024
Take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 3 and 4, 2024
Prepare your child to start Foundation (Prep) in 2025.
Enrolment applications submitted after 26 July 2024 will be processed by our school as they are received, in accordance with the department’s Placement Policy.
Is VicStudents secure?
VicStudents has been assessed by the Department of Education to a high degree of security in line with the Victorian Protective Data Security Standards and is compliant with ISO 27001, the leading international standard for information security.
More information
The Department of Education has created a Quick Reference Guide to help you get started.
Digital Enrolment Parent/Carer Quick Reference Guide
Level 1 – 6 Student Enrolments
An enrolment form is not required for students transferring between Victorian government schools. Refer to: Student transfers between schools.
Please call our enrolment officer Sharon Dymond on 98731551 or email for further information.
Our School Zone
Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.
Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.
Further information is available on the Starting School page
Starting Prep is an important and exciting step in your child's educational journey.
Transition Program
When children first start school there is a lot for them to get used to. Some children will adapt more easily than others. There are many things you can do to help your child transition to school as smoothly as possible, to aid in this, Mitcham Primary School runs an extensive Transition Program for all future Prep students, beginning in Term 3 the year before the child is due to commence school.
Transition Sessions allow students to become familiar with some of the routines of school and meet our wonderful teachers. They might even meet a new friend! Children will participate in a variety of activities, and will also receive their own Mitcham Primary School Library bag, with the ability to borrow a book from our School Library.
During the Transition period, we also offer a number of Information Sessions for parents to learn more about the school, curriculum, daily routines, and how you can help at home.